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Comprehension questions

  1. Why did Annie need to listen to the classical music?
  2. What was Nick promised during the phone conversation?
  3. What was he asked to do?
  4. What was Lucas doing while staying with guys?
  5. Why did Bridget not pay to the window cleaner?
  6. Did Nick get what he hoped for at the end?


peanut butter  - арахисовая паста

to make a sound – издать звук, пикнуть

to revise – перечитывать (перед экзаменом)

to hang out of the window – высунуться из окна

makeover – фото с фотосессии

watch out - берегись

guess what! – представляешь

to look after - присматривать

underpants - трусы

to run off with – сбегать с

to stay with – жить (у кого-то в доме)

to be stuck - застрять

mess - бардак

to ruin - разрушать

exactly - полностью

yuck - отвратительный

especially - особенно

night night – спокойной ночи