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1. Comprehension questions

  1. What was Annie preparing for in the morning?
  2. What were the Bridget's plans for the day?
  3. What did Eunice want from Hector?
  4. Why did Annie want to stop mr. Garrier?
  5. What was Nick doing at the time of the march?
  6. Why did Bridget buy that very expensive dress?
  7. Where was the last guinea pig?

2. Find and correct the mistakes in the sentences

  1. She stoled them from cosmetic factory.

  2. She prepared for lunch with Leonardo Dicaprio.

  3. Eunice told him came back to the job.

  4. Eunice wanted that Hector do report about the protest.

  5. Eunice wanted that protestors looked stupid.

  6. He did emotional report on the protest.

  7. Animal are human.


to make decision - принять решение

to look after  - присматривать

guinea pig - морская свинка

poster - плакат

to keep safe - беречь

to steal - красть

horrid - ужасный

nonsense - вздор

stupid - глупый

to get going - приступать к делу

to split up - расставаться, разрывать отношения

to suffer - страдать

poor thing - бедняжка

mascara - тушь

blusher - румяна

hair dye - краска для волос

lipstick - губная помада

cruelty - жестокость

unfair - несправедливый

I wonder - интересно, ... (вводная часть)

awful - ужасный

sanctuary - приют для животных

motto - девиз

to fire - увольнять

to fight against - бороться против

it’s my fault - это моя вина