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Comprehension questions

  1. What were the girls doing at the beginning of the episode?
  2. What news did Nick get?
  3. Why does Bridget think that Annie watches too many adverts?
  4. Why did Hector decide to learn how to cook?
  5. What job did Nick get?
  6. Who chased Nick?


awful - ужасный

silly - глупый

lucky guess - счастливая догадка

the apartment is very busy - в квартире полно народа

to knock (on) - постучать

to melt - растопить

tummy - разг. живот

I've got the part - Я получил роль

adorable - очаровательный

script - сценарий

way to the heart is though the stomach - путь  сердцу лежит через желудок

stain - пятно

yolk - желток

to whisk - взбивать

to get on with it! - пошевеливайся

exhausting - утомительный

to chase - преследовать