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Comprehension questions

  1. What’s the problem with Hector clothes?
  2. What was on the shopping list on the wall?
  3. What did Hector say to the landlady?
  4. What did Annie, Bridget and Nick buy to Hector?
  5. What did Bridget measure?
  6. How many tins of dog food did Hector buy?


wakey – пора вставать

rise and shine – проснись и пой

a cold - простуда

pajamas - пижама

awful – ужасный

denim – джинсовая ткань

leather - кожа

a jacket - пиджак

a vest - жилет

on your own - самостоятельно

shopkeeper – владелец магазина

a customer - клиент

never mind – не обращай внимания

to try on smth - примерить

a spoilspot – вредина

a melon - дыня

till you drop – до упаду

a size - размер

to measure - измерять

a chest - грудь

a waist – талия

a tissue – бумажная салфетка

a tin – консервная банка

 a spoilsport - вредина