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Extra Episode 09

1. Comprehension questions

  1. What was Nick doing when Annie saw him?

  2. What did Bridget offer Hector?

  3. What did Nick teach Hector?

  4. Was Bridget impressed by the Hector's audition?

  5. Was the Bridget's editor impressed by the Hector's audition?

  6. Was Annie happy with Hector's new job?

2. Find and correct the mistakes in the sentences

  1. He became very interested in Shakespeare.

  2. Nick taught him how do interview.

  3. The Bridget couldn't stay at the Hector's audition.

  4. When she saw the video she became very angry.

  5. Bridget's new boss became Eunice Mountain.

  6. In this time girls found Nick a new job too.


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